Lack Attack

A faith-based approach to Debt-Free-Living.

Archive for November, 2007

The Mystery of the Seed

Posted by Susan Gregory on November 10, 2007

I’ve been busy researching and writing content for my new website at So, this morning I was reading my Bible and just kind of “floating around” in spiritual thought. It’s all part of my early morning routine. I get up somewhere between 4:30 and 6:00 each day, just depends on how much sleep my body wants. I make myself a hot cup of coffee with half-and-half cream and come back to bed to read my Bible, pray and study. This is my favorite time of the day . . . it’s my Secret Place. 

So this morning, as I was enjoying this time, I looked over and saw a log book where I enter the financial “seed” that I sow. It’s an idea I picked up from a friend a long time ago, and I have been pretty faithful about it. I used my words so “fertilize” the seed for which I am still awaiting the harvest. Then a new thought came to me. The power in those seeds is not anything I did to them. My only part was obeying God and planting the seed. But power in those seeds was from God. He is the “generator” within.

I starting thinking about seeds and my mind’s eye pictured a dry kernel of corn. By the time the kernels are off the ears and dried out for the next season’s planting, they’re pretty hard and almost dead looking.  But way down, deep inside that single kernel of corn is life! Explosive life! It’s hard to imagine how so much could come out of such humble beginnings.

God is the author of the life. The Creator! His creative power is stored up inside that hard and lifeless-looking seed! But, in truth it is not lifeless at all. Rather, it’s full of life! The Bible calls the financial gifts we give “seeds.” And they too have explosive life in them. Not because of anything we do to them, but because of the power and life the Creator put in them. Just like the simple kernel of corn, our dollar seeds can multiply! The Bible says it can multiply 30, 60, or an hundred fold! That’s a pretty good harvest. AMEN!

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